Introducing Ourselves

My allotment covered in weeds when I first got the allotment.

Hello all and thank you for taking the time to take a few minutes out of your day to read our first ever blog post.

I think it might be best if we introduce ourselves first so you know who we are and a little about ourselves.

My name is Michael and my beautiful partner is Dawn, we are both in our early 30’s and to be completely honest we both have never been into gardening or growing our own vegetables. I am a massive video gamer to the point I used to have a mild addiction (Dawn would say a heavy addiction), but I now only play in the mornings on weekends but that will change when the mornings become lighter and the weather warms up a lot. I have never been a person big into vegetables and healthy eating but recently I have been noticing my waist increasing more then I would like it to, so I have started to eat healthier with chicken and rice most lunches and trying to cut down heavily on my meal portions (which I am really struggling with). My reasoning for wanting an allotment is to get the exercise for working the plot, get a lovely supply of healthy food and to have an outside space I can go to as I live in a flat with no garden for my own use.

Dawn is a massive pet person, should would honestly choice to be around animals all day instead of people. Her obsession is that bad that at one time we had four cats in a one bedroom flat and then decided to look after a friends chocolate lab for a week while they are on holiday. It was a fun but very demanding time as the lab was so scared of the cats that he would rather go up over the back of the sofa then get down in front of the cats. All of the cats are now up in cat heaven and we have a little long haired chi called Kiki D.

We got our allotment back in the end of September 2018, it isn’t like a conventional allotment as it isn’t long and thin like most allotments you see on allotment sites. They allotment is a square in shape and is 10 meters by 10 meters, which is very large for an allotment. The allotments go side by side down a nice path overlooked by some lovely houses, on the other side of the plot s is a railway track which runs along the back of all 70 plots. It is in such a nice secluded place that I completely forget that I am in the town I live in, every dog walker who walks past says hello and a few stop and chat to say how well we are doing as they can remember the tall weeds that used to be on the plot.

We have some quite big plans for the plot but we know it isn’t all going to happen overnight, having an allotment isn’t a rush to get it all done as it’s a place to enjoy and de-stress. I will go into more details in another post of our plans for the plot and what we have gotten done so far.

If you have gotten this far, thank you very much for reading the whole thing. This blog is going to be a little thing that we would like to keep updating with our process on the plot from our ups & downs, highs & lows and the little victories along the way.

Michael & Dawn



  1. Well done guys! Look forward to seeing it grow

  2. Thank you Sarah, we are trying our best and hopefully have everything we have previously done up soon. Then its onto weekly posts updating on what we have achieved that week.
